I bet you are checkking this place out because you're either curious or really were searching for something like this. Either way, welcome!

This page is bare bones on purpose because I want to just have a page where I can just dump stuff and make it pretty later!
Last updated: 2/18/23

What is Fictosexuality?

Fictosexual (also known as fictophilia) is a sexuality dealing with the attraction towards fictional characters. It is considered to be an acespec identity, but im not gonna tell you want it is or isnt.

Fictosexuals are just like everyone else. They can like both people and characters, while some are ficto-exclusive (like me!!) Some fictosexuals engage in selfshipping or are yumes*.

You might've heard of waifuism, and yeah, if they wish to be called it, they are also fictosexuals and engage in 'selfshipping' (though the life of a waifuist is also pretty serious, dedicating themselves to one partner.)

Fictosexuals can be serious just like waifuists, and that's not bad. Their relationships are real and we should treat them as such.

Fictosexuals are not "sad lonely people." They are people who are simply not attracted to humans, and that's okay.

*Yumejoshis 夢女子 are also called yumedanshis 夢男子 (dreaming boy) and yumejin 夢人 (gender neutral)

Are there any rules to being Ficto?


There should be no rules to being fictosexual.
If you feel like the term fits you then there you go. i am not gonna tell you what to do

Do we have a flag?

Yeah. Mulitple!

i recommend going on twitter to find other ones that fit your taste, or make your own!

Muffin wants to tell you that you're not alone! There's plenty of fictos, selfshippers, yumes, and waifuists out there!

The Selfshipping community is very supportive in terms of being attracted to characters. Though, in my personal experience, I do not seem to really connect to them in terms of the fact that "selfshipping" is really mega focus.

I'm not sure how to explain it, but the best I can say is that to me these communities (besides waifuists) seem to treat this has hobbies and not serious relationships like I do with my partners. This doesn't mean these others are doing things "wrong", that literally doesn't exist. Muffin is just expressing disconnect, its own personal experience as I feel like my life as a ficto is more complex than "selfshipping" or being a yume.

I bet we have all heard of Akihiko Kondo. He is the man who married Miku, and still loves her to this day. He is one of the biggest fictosexual advocates I've seen. i really look up to him. He post a lot of pictures of his wife up on twitter and instagram, and shows off his articles about him quite often.

I do not recommend looking up any news articles about fictos or objectums as it is very obvious that the content about us is judgy, sarcastic, and doesn't take us seriously. But here is one article I seem to enjoy about Kondo, and seems to be approved by him.

List of resources

make a digital shrine dedicated to your partner!

Koinuko's Marriage Certification Generator

A generator dedicated to making digital marriage certificates of your partner!

Dokodemo's Marriage Certificate Generator

Another marriage certificate generator, inspired by the ones made on MYFCOnline

MYFCOnline (Archive)

An archived snapshot of the popular site, Marry Your Favorite Character Online. It suddenly went down one day.